Safer spice - food safety and market access for peppercorn
Safer spice - food safety and market access for peppercorn
PGS mission 2, Lao PDR
Date: 27 Feb - 2 Mar 2024
Announcement of the establishment of the PGS group 'Commercial Pepper Growing and Processing Group' by E Tu Green Garden in Paksong, Champasak Province
The meeting was held to announce the establishment of the PGS group called 'Commercial Pepper Growing and Processing Group'. Head of Paksong DAFO gave the opening remarks and the importance of the cooperative decree in forming the group. Madame Soumaly, leader of pepper group, introduced the background of the project, the need for the establishment of the pepper group and highlighted the backing of the provincial governor for commercialisation of pepper growing in the province.

She acknowledged Mr. Southikone Sosomla, head of rural development and cooperative unit paksong DAFO, who presented on the overview of agriculture/forestry group and cooperative based on the decree on cooperate 606/GOV dated 26/11/2020: definitions, type of group, cooperative, difference between group and cooperative, benefit from establishment of farmer group, requirement and procedure for group application.

The group manager was appointed after discussions and deliberations with Mrs. Soumaly as head, Mr. Sonesay and Mrs. Siphachan as vice heads. The new manager will then appoint the heads of technical, financial, ICS and marketing units.

The head of Paksong DAFO announced the group manager, made the closing remarks where he emphasised the group to work together, share knowledge, to learn from STDF project on safer pepper products and market access, and reporting by the group on activities and challenges faced.

Safer spice - food safety and market access for peppercorn
Implementing agency
Safer spice - food safety and market access for peppercorn
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