Field trip to Memot Province
Date: Aug 2022
Ms. Suzanne Neave, Ms. Ino Mayu, Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, Mr. Rambo Mao, Mr. Vanny Lon, Mr. Sinan Sov, Ms. Lakhena Chhoeng, Ms. Leangsim Chhouy and 6 other officers conducted training of trainers (ToT) over 2 days prior and trained farmers' associations and Sela Pepper staff at Memot for 3 days.
The training activities that took place and detailed description of activities are as follows:
Training of trainers (ToT) of PGS champions (GDA officers) over 2 days, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
- Role and responsible of a PGS champion
- Quality of a trainer, learning style and training process
- Learning style template for each day of training (Assignment for trainer to complete)
PGS training for 6 farmers' associations and Sela Pepper company staff over 2 days, Memot, Cambodia
- Farmer to farmer learning (exchange experiences to each other)
- Benefit and challenges of a group
- SWOT analysis of being farmer group
- Strategies to overcome weaknesses in group
- Introduction to PGS and its benefits
- Value propositions
- Shared vision
Workshop with Sela Pepper company staff and GDA officers to plan and create inter-group formation over 1 day
- Who needs to be involved inter-group
- Refining the shared vision
- Planning to deliver 4 items agenda of first inter-group meeting
- Create a shared vision
- Select people for key roles (overall leader, accountant, leader of inspection, leader of technical and leader of planning
- Draft inter-group regulations
- Action plan (meeting frequency etc...)
Achievements of PGS training