M. persicaeare small green aphids which feed on plant sap. These aphids can transmit plant viruses
Use of repellant plants such as onion, garlic and marigold in alternate rows to crop
Use of agro nets (size 400 µm) to prevent pest accessing crop seedlings, and remove at flowering stage
Conserve natural enemies (e.g. ladybird beetles, hoverflies and parasitoid wasps) by avoiding use of broad spectrum insecticides and providing suitable habitat
Avoid high levels of nitrogen in soil, as this causes plants to become succulent and attractive to aphids
Remove and burn crop residues immediately after harvest
Start monitoring from seedling stage, look at lower leaves, stems or growing points for soft bodies insects, found in clusters
Check underside of leaves, shoots and stems for immobile aphids
Look for yellowing leaves, stunted growth and honeydew on infested crops. Sooty mould may grown on the honeydew
Look for curled, wrinkled or cupped leaves and mosaic patterns on the leaves (alternating dark and light patches) - these are symptoms of viruses that can be transmitted by the aphid
Monitor at least 3 times a week for aphids early in the morning/late in day during dry periods
Start control measures when there is 10-20% infestation (i.e. 1-2 infested plants/10-20 plants in plots)
Direct Control
Remove and burn infested plants to help reduce population spread
Use yellow traps (at 2 traps per 30 m2 to attract and kill aphids
Spray soap solution (potassium soaps e.g. Alata samina). Add 10-15 tablespoons of liquid soal in 16 L knapsack and spray foliage
Spray with neem-based products and follow label instructions (e.g. Azatrol, 1.2% Azadiractin. 1 part Azatrol with 1 part water, spray at 7-10 day intervals)
Safer spice - food safety and market access for peppercorn